Picture Frame Hacks to Decorate Your Classroom

Summer is coming to a close and students and teachers alike are getting ready to return to school. Before the first official day back, teachers are hard at work in their classrooms, creating environments where learning is fun, exciting and accessible. Here are some creative ways to use picture frames in your classroom décor.

  • Create a “Get to Know You” board. Use round wooden frames to frame pictures taken of each student. Have a list underneath the picture frame with the student’s name and a list of all of their favorite things.
  • Frame book covers. Take the paper covers off of classic children’s books and frame them. This would be great to add in the classroom reading corner.
  • Frame class rules. Take each class rule and clearly print it out. Take wooden frames and spray paint them different shades of fun colors. Vary up the size and shape of each rule to further add visual contrast. Place round wood frames along the square wood frame.
  • Homework list. Take a large black oval picture frame and hang it in the front of the classroom. Use a dry erase marker to write the to-do list for all the homework due the next day.
  • Classroom schedule. Find a large rectangular frame and attach pieces of twine to the back of it, separating each strand by about four inches. Write each classroom subject with what will be covered during it on an index card and use a clothespin to attach it to the twine.
  • Flashcard holder- Get rid of the backing and glass in the picture frame and attach a keyring full of flashcards to it. Mount the flashcard holder on to small wooden dowels so it will sit upright when not in use.
  • Science display. Press dried flowers underneath the glass of a picture frame. Or remove pages from antique schoolbooks of various animals and insects. Place them under a frame and hang up in the science center.
  • Desk Organizer. Using a large picture frame, remove the glass and wrap the backing with pretty contact paper. Create pockets by hot gluing pieces of fabric wrapped around the backing of the frame. The more pieces you wrap, the more pockets you’ll have to store pencils, scissors, letters and paper clips.
  • Chalkpaint labels. To keep art centers organized, use chalk paint to paint a piece of cardboard. Place the cardboard into the picture frame and do not place the glass back inside of the frame. Use chalk to label each art basket’s contents and attach the frame to the front of the basket.
  • Inspirational Quotes. Print out and frame your favorite motivational quotes and hang them on the wall for students to enjoy. 
30th Aug 2017

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