Choosing the Right Artwork for Your Home

Interior designers and art consultants see it all the time: people simply choose artwork to fill their home. Artwork is truly personal, something that forms a bond, a connection, with the person. To find the right artwork for your home takes patience, time and practice.

  • Buy Artwork You Love – Instead of looking at artwork as though it’s the stock market, look for a piece that you truly fall in love with. It should speak to you and be something you enjoy looking at in your home everyday.
  • Keep an Open Mind – Paintings add strokes of color to homes. Drawings add intense black and white strokes that look sensational framed in round photo frames. Sculptures add three-dimensional depth to rooms, while mixed media adds textures. Homes need a variety of artwork to come to life.
  • Shop Around – Visit art galleries in your area. Original artwork is also displayed in restaurants and coffee shops. Online searches are also helpful.
  • Size – First, measure your wall’s dimensions and take pictures of the artwork to see if it goes with your home’s interior. Visualize how the artwork will look in your home.
  • Focal Point – Determine your goals. Are you looking for several decor styles to compliment your color scheme? Are you looking for a single focal point to define your room? Avoid having a room that looks cluttered, as this will take away from the artwork.
  • Color – Artwork should feature some of the room’s colors. Complementary colors work superb, but it is also important to take into account your wall color, pillows, curtains and furnishings. All of this need to tie in to create a cohesive, welcome and inviting look.
  • Content – The content of the artwork does matter. Does the artwork contain wavy lines that mimic the pattern of the sofa’s back? Does your upholstery feature a tropical pattern that picks up the artwork? Imagery within the artwork needs to harmonize with the balance in the room.
  • Hanging – Artwork needs to be hung at the correct height. It should be near eye level. Art galleries recommend large paintings should be approximately 60 inches from the floor.
  • Lighting – To highlight a beautiful piece of art, consider adding lighting that helps make the artwork stand out.

Many art galleries will frame artwork for you. They are experts in selecting the right type of frame. If, however, the frame does not match your interior, you can always request that they change the frame. For example, round wooden frames may go best with hardwood floors, while a black oval frame generally looks stunning with furniture that is more contemporary. For an antique style painting and home decor, antique glass picture frames may blend best, helping the artwork stand out.


15th Feb 2016

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